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Tupac Shakur. (1/18)


The beloved rapper was tragically shot at and murdered at the height of his career, but conspiracy theorists believe that it may be an elaborate hoax all along. With a sell anointed stage name like Makaveli, a reference to a major influence on his life, Niccolò Machiavelli, the rumour gather some headway. This is because the Renaissance era philosopher and politician dwelled on the idea of deceiving one’s enemies by faking one’s own death. And apart from this, there is a general rule that dead artists can sell albums better than living ones, and also the little fact that Tupac never had an autopsy and was cremated only one day after his fatal shooting. All of these little facts help further prolong the theory that Tupac may yet be alive.

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Tupac Shakur. (1/18)

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