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Harmful Effects Of Energy Drinks Led This Man To Live A Miserable Life

Usually people think that taking energy drinks is the only way to get through a busy day. However they fail to consider that how this sugar and caffiene really effects our body. In the month of April a youth died in South Carolina from an overdose of caffeine aggravated by energy drinks. Now a new father though alive has been physically changed forever.

His wife Brianna, who is expecting their first child, has started posting their story on the Facebook of how her world almost ended.

  Sara Endres, a photographer from Sacramento, CA, has also taken a series of  portraits that document the young family’s struggles while Austin was in hospital.

A young mother tells how energy drinks almost cost her husband’s life and changed her’s forever.ed-1.jpg
“Hello, my name is Brianna, and this is my story…

Love is not the little things. It is not the phone calls, the dates, or even the memories. Love is knowing you would sacrifice things that you didn’t even know you could sacrifice. Love is selfless.

And Brianna goes on to explain how this episode changed their lives completely so much so that she was completely baffled and didn’t know how to cope with the situation. While at the same time she was pregnant with their first child and had so many plans for the future.

Being pregnant is supposed to be one of the most amazing journeys you will ever embark on. You’re creating a new life and experiencing unconditional love for someone you have not even met.

Austin and I were so excited to meet our little boy. To bring him home. To be a family.”

Austin had taken to the habit of taking a lot of energy drinks to cope with his busy schedule.ed-2.jpg

“I never imagined as I went to sleep that night, that my whole world would be shattered within hours.

I still remember my mother in law waking me up that morning. ‘Austin had an accident’ she said.

At that time all Brianna knew was that her husband was in hospital but she didn’t know the reason. On reaching the hospital Brianna came to learn that her husband has had a hemorrhage.  Later the doctors concluded that the reason was his recent excessive energy drink consumption.

After the lengthy surgery they were finally allowed to see Austin whose face was almost unrecognizable and he had all sorts of tubes and machines round him. His parents were completely grief-stricken and were completely shattered.

Watching this family — my new family, who I have grown to love and be a part of, be so shattered and broken…that is the worst feeling I have ever felt.”

After a brain hemorrhage and a number of surgeries Austin had an irreparable hole in the front of his skull and a nine month pregnant wife.ed-3.jpg

“The next day was round two of brain surgery. Following this were strokes, seizures, swelling, and more things we weren’t prepared for”.

And this was the moment when Brianna realized that she would never give up on her husband and finally the time came when they could go home.

The time had come for me to deliver our baby.”

In addition to the stress of dealing with Austin’s recovery Brianna also faced the monumental task of bringing their son into this world.ed-5.jpg

“Weeks went by. We chased him all over the state as more operations and procedures were ordered. I saw him every chance I got.

The son who was 2 months old now finally met his dad and this gave Brianna some hope. After sometime he finally came home but their life was not normal any longer, there was an endlessvisits to the doctors and the hospital.

But we are here. Fighting.”

These poignant photos taken by the photographer beautifully depicts their bitter-sweet life.



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Harmful Effects Of Energy Drinks Led This Man To Live A Miserable Life

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