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Indian Man Marries A Female Rodent Officially After Claiming It is The Reincarnation of His Dead Wife

A very unusual wedding ceremony took place in India last month wherein a middle-aged Hindu man vowed to marry a female rodent because he thought the rat was a reincarnation of his first wife. 

41-year-old Chidhatma Basu’s life became upside down when his wife could not survive the wounds of a car accident in January 2017 and died. 

Grief stricken Basu was left with four little children to take care of and struggled for months, until one day, a he encountered a rare phenomenon. 

Mr Basu said: “This little female rat showed up on my doorstep, and it had my wife’s eyes and nose.”

According to him ‘I understood at the first encounter that it was the reincarnation of my dead wife’ when he offered a cookie to it. 

He further said: “I offered it my wife’s favorite cookies, and it devoured it just like she would have done.”

 It is rather surprising for the world to know that he claims the female rodent being very affectionate and kept looking into his eyes the same way once his wife used to. 

Mr, Basu went to consult the temple officials who then confirmed to him that indeed it, the female rodent, was his reincarnated wife.

Even a proper wedding ceremony was conducted between the two that became official ‘loving’ couple by a Hindu priest who told Mr Basu he is the luckiest one. 

According to Hindu religion and beliefs it is possible for a human being to be reincarnated  but generally a marriage between a human and an animal is extremely rare and a very unpopular dogma. This marriage which is very unusual of its kind being between a man and a rat has created a controversy in India. 

However, this is not the first time a marriage between a human and an animal has taken place in India.

It is also a fact that a similar wedding was performed few years ago in 2014 between an 18-year-old girl and a stray dog as a part of ritual to ward off evil spirit. 

The international lobby in America and Europe who represent various animal protection organizations have denounced the wed-lock as it is a clear violation of animal rights. 

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) tweeted just hours after it was conducted and called it “disgusting and barbaric” and added that Mr Basu should be jailed.

Since the marriage between the female rodent and Mr. Basu took place legally under the Indian law they would be least bothered about all the controversy. 

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Indian Man Marries A Female Rodent Officially After Claiming It is The Reincarnation of His Dead Wife

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