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Albert Einstein’s Teachings About Love Will Definitely Surprise You

Life as it pans out shows a strange pattern, much like an odd mathematical equation, the process of two uniquely different individuals living together into one reciprocal situation, makes it a funny equation that doesn’t have a perfect answer but the variables are constantly changing. Two lives existing together as one is just as hard as it is in life as it is on paper.

To explain this incongruous phenomenon, I thought I would rather turn to somebody, whom I respected as a genius, one name that readily came to my mind was Albert Einstein. A man whose very name is synonymous with intelligence. I figure if the man was smart enough to win the Nobel Prize for Theoretical Physics, then his insight on relationships should be just as solid as his theories about the universe, although he did once say “Lasting harmony with a woman [was] an undertaking in which I twice failed rather disgracefully.” Following are some of his famous quotes that quite clearly explain his depth of knowledge about relationships.

We should not be oblivious to the fact that he married his cousin.

Either way, here are some insights into Love and relationships from one of the most amazing minds this planet has ever seen:

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

 Carefully going through the statement, it gets abundantly clear that kissing a beautiful woman should temporarily remove you from your physical presence on this planet and elevate you to some place between here and the stars. Not something you want to do at highway speeds.

“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.”

Never before has relativity made as much sense as putting in the context of that rapidly changing sounds, lights and beats in your heart when your adrenaline is pumping, you’re nervous and sweaty, and completely enamored by the presence of an amazing woman. The scenes change so rapidly that you are lost in your flurry.

“You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”

Love just happens and nobody has been able to explain and count the multitude of reasons for this. How handy would it be if you could though? Love doesn’t make sense, if it did someone would have figured it out by now. It is just a natural connection between two random people for whatever myriad of reasons that is as unavoidable as gravity.

“Love is a better teacher than duty.”

As much as relationships require work, they are not a job. You may have better occupations but love in its entirety though is straightforward yet you work on them because they are a part of you, and the end result is better than any paycheck you could ever collect. What you’ll learn from love will teach you things about yourself you never knew.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Love in its own right is a small wonder, a miracle. A beautiful part of life that we’d be lost without. When you find it, it should be held in the same reverence as marvel, no matter how simple it may be. Though it’s not always uncomplicated to explain it.






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Albert Einstein’s Teachings About Love Will Definitely Surprise You

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