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14 Amazing Facts About The Iron Man Suit Which DC Comics Did Not Reveal in The Movie

There were many things which were built by Tony Stark, but his most famous creation is Iron Man suit. The red and gold Armour of Tony Stark is most recognizable outfit which is shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which began in 2008 from the movie Iron Man. The suits have grabbed the attention of many people all around the world, and many of the scientists and engineers have a dream of making the suits for themselves. In all the movies we have seen  different types of suits, but there are more things which we need to know about the suit.

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So, we have gathered some interesting facts about the Iron Man suit which may not have been shown in the movie but are truly fascinating.

  1. Every Suit Has Same Gadgets:


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Tony Stark has built many suits for different purposes, but still, every suit has some basic gadgets which are common. The weapons used by Iron Man’s Armour depend on the cause for which it has been built. The most common thing found in each suit is the repulsors in the hands.

2, Suit built by one of the fans:

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An Iron Man fan, named Anthony Le created a suit that has lit-up eyes and repulsors, a mask, flight stabilizers, motorized shoulder weapons and jets which shoot out streams of carbon dioxide.

3. 53 suits have been made:


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Tony Stark continuously works on new technology for building advanced suits. According to Earth-616 which is present in the Marvel comic universe, Tony Stark has created nearly 53 different suits.

4. There are colors other than red and gold:

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If we go according to the movie, most standard colors of Iron Man suit are red and gold, but they are also made in many other colors.

5. The origin of the suit has been changed:

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According to the movie, Tony Stark made the first Iron Man suit in a cave when he was kidnapped by the group named Ten Rings. But in comics, he built the suit during the Vietnam War for battling communist forces

6. A lot of weight can be picked:

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The Extremis Armor created by Tony Stark is the most powerful suit ever built. The suit has the power of increasing strength and even lifting weight up to 100 tonnes.

7. The Pepper-Pots suit:

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According to the comics, Iron Man’s secretary or should I say the owner of Stark Industries also owns a suit which is specially designed only for her.

8. Black Stealth:

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There is a suit named Black Stealth which is specially designed for stealth missions. Tony Stark has built two stealth suits, one is named Model 1, and other is Model 42.

9. An under-water suit:

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Tony once created an underwater suit which was stolen by Wolverine, according to the comics.

10. The energy source:

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The whole Stark Industry once had an arc reactor, and it is the same thing which is used in the suits.

11. The United States Department of Defense has a prototype:

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The United States Department of Defence has also created an exoskeleton which they will unveil in 2018.

12. Suit cum car:

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Tony Stark’s suits are built for many purposes, and you may find it hard to believe, but he also owns a suit which can be converted into a car. Well, the interesting thing is that the car can also fly.

13. Take a ride up to space:

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The majority of Iron Man suits allow Tony Stark to fly into the atmosphere of the Earth, but he has also built a suit which can take him for a ride into the outer space.

14. A Green Lantern suit:

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In a rare DC/Marvel crossover, Iron Man was merged with Green Lantern to create a new character which was named as Iron Lantern. For this, a new suit of a green color was designed.

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14 Amazing Facts About The Iron Man Suit Which DC Comics Did Not Reveal in The Movie

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