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Some Disturbing Fitness Trends That Seem Dangerous Too

Listed below are some of the unhealthy and disturbing fitness trends.

1. Rib-Cage Bragging

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There are still more people joining  the eating disorder block—rib-cage bragging. According to this new fad showing your rib-cage is now a positive thing.

2. Ab Crack

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Once called the’New Core Look’ and ‘The Irrigation Ditch Divide’ the ab crack is a noticeable line that appears down the centre of the torso and is visible if you have a very flat stomach.

3.Alien Yoga

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Though it appears to be otherwise but Alien Yoga is the most harmless of all the fitness trends.

4. Waist Training

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Waist Trainers are used to train the waist to look thinner. They were famous in the 1500 and have become popular again. Though the doctors are against its continuous use.

The doctors warn it could cause serious long term damage. “It just crams all of your organs together. So over an extended period, wearing it too much and too frequently, it can cause harm,” says health and wellness expert Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, an Atlanta physician. Waist trainers make heartburn and indigestion worse, and women pass out after wearing them because they can’t get enough air

5. A4 Paper Challenge

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This fitness fad started in China and later spread globally. In the a4 Paper Challenge the women compared their waist lines to a piece of paper which was normally 8 inches wide.

6. Belly Button Challenge

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This was another fitness fad which originated from China. In it the criteria to test whether you had acquired your desired weight was to bring your arm from behind your back, wrap it around your stomach and if you succeed in touching your belly-button then you have acquired your goal.

7. Collar Bone Challenge

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In 2015, people  posted photos of themselves balancing coins above their collarbones to see how many they could hold without the pile falling out. The more a person was able to balance, they were thought to be more  sexier and skinnier.

8.Thigh Gap

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In this viral trend  girls were required to become so slender that their thighs don’t touch even when their feet are together. Specialists say achieving a thigh gap is not only risky but virtually impossible.

9. Bikini Bridge

I don't have much rhythm, but I think I caught the beat there for a second ?? #aloyoga #beagoddess #nauli

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Bikini Bridge is a look in which the bikini bottoms are suspended between the two hip-bones, creating a space between the bikini and the lower abdomen. This is an extremely unhealthy fad and is detrimental to your health.



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Some Disturbing Fitness Trends That Seem Dangerous Too

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