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23-Year-Old Weighed 657 Pounds, Changes 3 Basic Things And Loses 400 Pounds

Amber Rachdi of Troutdale, Oregon weighed 657 pound when she was just 23-year back in 2015. Her mobility was done on a motorized scooter and was not able to perform simple tasks like bathing herself. This forced her to have to move back in with her parents as she needed support like anyone with a mountainous weight of 657 pounds would need basically.

woman loses 400 pounds featured

In an effort to regain her life Rachdi, who had also appeared on TLC’s reality TV show My 600-lb Life, lost as many as 400 pounds by just changing her eating habits that was disordered, engaging in physical activity, and undergoing gastric bypass surgery.

Not only does she look like an entirely a different person but she is living a more fulfilling and very energetically active life.

She is followed by 66,000 fans on Instagram who look to Rachdi as an inspiration to make healthy changes in their own lives and lose pounds.

amber rachdi 600 lb life

She said,

“I can’t provide a meal plan or diet or be your support and for this I feel like I am failing people. I don’t know your needs or situations and I would be horribly negligent if I tried to tell anyone what to do with their bodies or health. Please stop asking. I simply don’t have the necessary qualifications. I wish you luck in becoming you best selves! I’m cheering for you!”

She also explained to her followers that surgery isn’t a magical wand to get a quick fix for losing weight. Rather it takes lifestyle changes instead that are a little easier to make because of the surgery.

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“I think mostly what it [gastric bypass] does is buy an overweight person time to learn new habits, get into therapy, and learn to make better choices on their own,” Amber wrote on Facebook. “Tons of folks need revision if they don’t focus their energy on learning new skills while the surgery is super restrictive.”

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“It breaks my heart how many folks are coming to me with weight-related health concerns and stories of their struggles,” she wrote on Facebook.

“I resonate so deeply with the fears and feelings of shame people carry to me. But, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist or a health educator. My path isn’t made to be replicated or emulated. I can’t offer real advice about diet or exercise beyond this:

Talk to your doctor. Talk to a nutritionist. Measure and track what you eat HONESTLY for at least a week beforehand. Find an accountability buddy. Reach out. You deserve both personal and professional allies!

However many Rachdi’s followers are advising her to choose a modeling career with her new look as she is very young and refined. Don’t forget to see her before and after photos and much more here.

Please SHARE with friends and family to promote health.

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23-Year-Old Weighed 657 Pounds, Changes 3 Basic Things And Loses 400 Pounds

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